Founder “The Catalyst"
Associated with various colleges including Symbiosis & Other Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra. The flagship program ‘MDP’ (Management Development Program which is launched in Nasik has created a history and currently 1 6th batch is in progress. This is a comprehensive program covering all aspects of business .Over 60 companies have been benefited. He also conducts One Day Proven Intensive Program ‘Finance for Business Managers’& ‘Managerial Effectiveness’. Client includes GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals ltd, Megafine Pharma Pvt Ltd, Alcon Electronics Pvt ltd, Bedmutha Industries, Right Tight Fasteners Pvt Ltd, KOSO India Pvt Ltd, Reliable Autotech Pvt Ltd to name a few. He has been conducting various open house workshops at multiple places in & around Nasik. Representing CII as Conveyor of North Maharashtra Region, founder member of finance forum, (knowledge sharing platform) Keen mountaineer, music lover plays musical instruments.